Catch up – Biopesticides Webinars
5th April 2023
CONNECTED Members – you can now catch up with our three amazing webinars on biopesticides, delivered by Dr Roma Gwynn, a biopesticide specialist working in technology for 30 years.

9th Online Seminar – Fungal Pathogens (postponed)
2nd December 2022
Some of you told us you were interested in fungal pathogens, so our next online seminar is a fungus special!

From Sentinel Plants to Trap Crops: our 8th online seminar
29th September 2022
We were delighted to see a good number of members at our 8th online seminar, which featured two superb talks by Dr Wubetu Bihon Legesse and Dr Tom Pope. Here are some of the things we learned…

Free online lecture: plant health and international standards in Africa
18th August 2022
The Royal Society of Biology (RSB) is running a plant health lecture on International Standards in Africa, which is open to all.