5 years on… what has CONNECTED achieved?
18th May 2023
A lot has happened since our Uganda launch conference, and we thought we would take a moment to look back on the last five years and what the network has achieved in that time.

Launching… Vector and Virus Diagnostics online resources!
27th April 2023
NEW – online resources for all CONNECTED members! If you want to improve your expertise on all aspects of vector and virus diagnostics, login and take yourself through our self-led course. A disease is devastating your field of crops, but how do you…

NEW Biopesticides webinars for members
26th January 2023
We are delighted to announce that CONNECTED members will now be able to participate in three webinars on bio-pesticides, so you can increase your knowledge and ask an expert your questions!

Spotlight on… CABI Academy
22nd November 2022
If part of your role is teaching or training, whether in an agricultural education institution or in your workplace, it might be worth looking at the CABI Academy online courses.

Becoming a better researcher: a training journey
28th July 2022
We were delighted to hear that CONNECTED Member Nicholas Bagonza has recently passed exam modules in Entomology and Plant Virology, he wrote to us about how the training he received from CONNECTED helped him achieve this