In 2022-23

With funding from  UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) International CONNECTED will:

  • Build upon our interdisciplinary research portfolio of 20 innovative international projects with the aim of finding practical real-world solutions for insect-spread plant diseases in 11 different crops. Project teams will be able to exploit, disseminate and translate their outputs into the most impactful next steps. Read more.
  • Work with researchers across a broader range of disciplines, such as climate services and nutrition, to develop useful tools and mechanisms for improving uptake of the latest research findings, strengthening communities’ resilience in the face of crop diseases. We will co-create ‘clusters’ of vector-borne plant virus expertise across a broad geographical area.
  • Engage other key organisations with the aim of influencing government policies, paving the way for the more effective surveillance, detection and control of insect-spread plant viruses.
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