We are building a sustainable network of world-class researchers to develop practical solutions to insect-spread plant viruses worldwide. Join us!

Some of the delegates at the CONNECTED Africa Launch Conference

Membership of the CONNECTED network is open to anyone interested in becoming part of a multidisciplinary community seeking to address the challenges of vector-borne plant viruses.

Read what people are saying about the CONNECTED network

CONNECTED supports collaboration between researchers in the UK and the global south, as well as engagement with end-users, stakeholders and policy makers. It creates opportunities for individuals to engage with each other, build critical mass and create research consortia to respond to funding opportunities in the research area of vector-borne plant viruses.

We are committed to ensuring the network is well represented by members from environmental, social, economic and policy fields as well as members with wide-ranging biological expertise.

Network members can:

Watch some short videos to learn more about the CONNECTED network here

To register as a member of the CONNECTED Network, please fill in your details below. By becoming a member, you agree to our membership terms and conditions and always to act in accordance with them. If you do not agree to these terms, do not register.

Membership form

Choose your username.
The ORCID ID is a free and unique digital identifier for researchers. See for more information. This link opens in a new browser tab.
Early career researcher: received your highest degree (BSc., MSc. or PhD.) in the last 7 years.
I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions.(Required)
Click here to view the terms and conditions. This link opens in a new browser tab.
I consent to be added to the CONNECTED Network mailing list.
I give permission for the personal information I have provided to be accessible to other network members via the members directory.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

University of Bristol and Newcastle logo

A truly global network

1691 Members

97 Countries

Join our community today

Benefits of becoming a CONNECTED member

Pump-prime funding
Funding can be used for research projects in Africa. UK-based BBSRC-eligible Network members will be able to apply for pump-prime funding. Preference will be given to joint applications with an Africa-based partner. Early career scientists are specifically encouraged to apply.

Funding opportunities
CONNECTED will work with national and international funding organisations to identify opportunities to take forward research on vector-borne diseases.

Grant writing
CONNECTED will support Network members with both their applications for pump-prime funding and subsequent applications to national and international funding organisations.

Network members will be able to apply to attend training workshops, and apply for travel funds to visit other Network members to learn specific scientific techniques and gain insight into grant writing and paper writing at the host institution.

CONNECTED will run a series of scientific meetings, seminars and networking events in Africa and the UK where Network members can meet and collaborate.