Ask your network

Whatever stage your research is at, there are times when you can benefit from external expertise. We are launching a new online feature via our website and enewsletter to make it easier for members to ask questions of the wider CONNECTED Network.
Our community consists of 1600 plant scientists and entomologists from 91 countries – so there is a good chance that someone, somewhere will know the answer to your question! You could ask something specific, or for tips on a certain protocol, or even to gauge interest in a certain project.
This is how it will work:
- Email your question to us at For example:
“What is the best multi-target virus diagnostic test for a field of peppers and tomatoes that are all showing symptoms?”
- We will post it on the Q&A page, and share it in our next enewsletter to members.
- People will be invited to send answers, and we will post these on the Q&A page.
If you prefer answers to be sent to you privately, please let us know and we will respect this. However we are hoping that most Q&As will be public, and be useful as a resource to other members, especially for general scientific questions.

Everyone who answers a question will be put in a draw to win a great plant pathology-themed prize later in the year!
We reserve the right to select which answers are shared.
Remember, you can also contact any member via the Members Directory.