Translating research projects into real-world applications
15th December 2022
We have now selected the six pump-prime funded research teams who will be receiving new CONNECTED funding to exploit, translate and disseminate their work, building on what was learned to take it further or convert it into practical applications that will have a real impact on agriculture.
9th Online Seminar – Fungal Pathogens (postponed)
2nd December 2022
Some of you told us you were interested in fungal pathogens, so our next online seminar is a fungus special!
Calls coming up – EU/Africa Collaboration
1st December 2022
We recently attended a brokerage event organised by UnILION for sparking new collaborations for upcoming calls under the Horizon Europe programme clusters 5 & 6. These funding calls welcome applications from African collaborators and may be of interest to some CONNECTED members. This…