CONNECTED Communications Coaching 2021: Apply now

This year’s CONNECTED communications coaching, taking place online via Zoom in May and June 2021, is free to network members who can now apply to attend.
Why these sessions?
The way you communicate your work, your science, and how awesome you are, can have a major impact on your future prospects. These free online sessions will give you tips and pointers about improving your communication skills.
What is the format?
In putting together the 2021 programme of communications coaching, we want to reach:
- those who haven’t yet attended any of the previous sessions, and
- those who have attended before, to help them reflect on what they’ve learned and to step up their skills.
The sessions will be delivered by Zoom video conference and led by our network’s Communications Officer, Richard Wyatt. There will be opportunities to engage, ask questions and make network connections. Successful applicants will be given full details of how to join the session.
What will be covered?
Three different types of sessions are offered for 2021, with alternative dates for each. You will need to apply to attend, completing and submitting the online form no later than midnight Sunday 25 April. We will allocate places according to demand.
1. NEW: Presentation Skills
A new 90-minute webinar aimed at helping you improve your online presentation skills and in-person presentation skills too. This will help ensure your presentations are terrific now, and into the future when more in-person activity resumes.
Open to all network members
2. Making Your Introduction Count
- When you meet someone at an event or a meeting – maybe a potential collaborator, funder or employer – how can you best introduce yourself and your work?
- If you’re introducing yourself by email, how can you make your email stand out from others who want their time and attention?
- And how do you make your online profile stand out and reflect how awesome you are, on LinkedIn, Researchgate, etc., to enhance your professional credibility to those you seek to influence?
Open to all network members, though if demand is high then preference will be given to those who have not previously attended similar communications sessions, held in 2020.
3. NEW: Communications Clinics
A new type of opportunity. A scheduled 15-minute one-to-one slot with the Network Communications Officer enabling you to seek advice, get tips, and plan your next steps, based on your experiences since you began implementing some of what you previously learned in previous communications coaching session/s. This will give tailored expert advice on areas you might be struggling with, or want to further improve.
Open only to network members who have previously attended communications session/s in 2019 (Skype), 2020 (Zoom) and / or at the CONNECTED Springboard To Impact online conference. When applying you are asked to indicate things you wish to discuss and be guided on.
When will the sessions take place?
- Monday 24 May: Communications Clinic (individual 15-minute appointments)
- Thursday 27 May: Communications Clinic (individual 15-minute appointments)
- Thursday 3 June: Making Your Introduction Count (9.30 – 11.00 am, UK time)
- Thursday 3 June: Making Your Introduction Count (1.00 – 2.30 pm, UK time)
- Monday 7 June: Making Your Introduction Count (9.30 – 11.00 am, UK time)
- Monday 7 June: Making Your Introduction Count (1.00 – 2.30 pm, UK time)
- Thursday 10 June: Presentation Skills (9.30 – 11.00 am, UK time)
- Thursday 10 June: Presentation Skills (1.00 – 2.30 pm, UK time)
- Monday 14 June: Presentation Skills (9.30 – 11.00 am, UK time)
- Monday 14 June: Presentation Skills (1.00 – 2.30 pm, UK time)
How to apply
Network members can apply to attend as many of these sessions as they wish, subject to the note above about the individual Communications Clinic appointments.
To apply please read and complete the online form here. You are asked to specify which session/s and which date/s you can commit to. We will allocate places determined by demand.