Get involved: frameworks for agricultural innovation research project
“Frameworks for agricultural innovation” is a new research project, undertaken by The CONNECTED Virus Network.
It analyses what steps are most effective at turning scientific discoveries in the lab into real changes that have a positive impact on farmers’ working lives in sub-Saharan African countries.
It seeks to understand how agricultural research findings are turned into useful outputs – for example, new plant varieties, products or farming practices – that farmers can use.
Through responses to an anonymous survey, the project aims to find out:
- which organisations are involved in agricultural innovation in different countries
- what do those organisations do
- how do they interact to create a framework for agricultural innovation
- how they work well together
- where barriers to progress exist.
Participants are asked to give information about the range of agriculture-related organisations in the country where they work, and how they interact with each other.
The organisations can be local, regional, national or international – they must impact agricultural innovation and application in some way. Participants are asked to give as much detail as possible.