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New Crop Science Centre opens with aim to bring global impact

The Crop Science Centre in Cambridge, UK, designed to fast-track technologies to sustainably improve farmers’ yields worldwide, has been launched.

It is formed of a coalition between the University of Cambridge Department of Plant Sciences and NIAB, which focuses on translational research in crops with real-world impact.

Combining the diverse skills and expertise of the University and NIAB, the Centre seeks to provide an environment for research excellence, with the capability to apply discoveries to crop improvement in the field.

Its research is interdisciplinary and of global relevance. The Centre aims to improve staple crops (such as maize, wheat and rice) and specific crops of relevance to small-holder farmers, particularly those in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Centre provides leadership in crop sciences, with a creative and dynamic research culture, motivated by improvement of agriculture to benefit society.

By bringing crop science researchers together under a single roof the aim is to generate increased translational activities and impact from research.

The Centre focuses around three key pillars of research activity: Crop Nutrition, Pests and Diseases, and Improving Photosynthesis.

To find out more visit the Crop Science Centre website.