Translating research projects into real-world applications
We have now selected six pump-prime funded research teams from the original 20 projects who will be receiving new CONNECTED funding to exploit, translate and disseminate their work, building on what was learned to take it further or convert it into practical applications that will have a real impact on agriculture, this will result in seven new translational projects.
The new work includes a variety of applications and ideas, everything from ‘crop walks’ to engage farmers in research, through to testing native entomopathogenic fungi as biopesticides for whitefly.
View or download our infographic below for an overview of this amazing new research!

Alongside expert industry advice from Crop Health and Protection Ltd (CHAP), project teams presented and discussed their research and impact proposals with a panel of experts, building in further considerations including economic impacts, maximising opportunities for local production, and work necessary to take technologies further towards implementation.
The successful projects will each receive awards of up to £25,000 to undertake this new research.