Update on CONNECTED Virus network funding calls
Full applications are now being submitted for the CONNECTED Virus Network’s first pump-prime funding call.
A preliminary ‘expression of interest’ process concluded in early April, attracting dozens of funding proposals. Those selected to progress to the full application stage have been notified and have until 24 June to submit their full proposal.
Grants are available of up to £30,000, though a small number of larger projects up to £90,000 may be funded. Projects should run for between three and 12 months and should lead to relevant and useful outputs for this field or produce pilot data that can be used in larger grant applications to national / international funders.
The CONNECTED project, led by Prof. Gary Foster from The University of Bristol, will run a further pump prime funding call, opening later in 2018, supporting projects that can run from three to six months.
CONNECTED aims to build a sustainable network of international scientists and researchers to address the challenges of vector-borne plant viruses in Africa. A key objective is to enable network members to successfully apply for research funding.
Awards will focus on the project’s five priority areas:
1. Control strategies;
2. Vector biology;
3. New diseases;
4. Vector-virus interactions; and
5. Diagnostics, surveillance, and forecasting.
For more information go to the ‘funding’ page of this website