Pump-prime funding call #2 now open
The second CONNECTED PPF call is now open, with the Expression of Interest (EoI) stage, which closes on 18 November 2018.
Amongst CONNECTED’s key objectives is enabling members to successfully apply for research funding. To achieve this, we are providing pump-prime funding (PPF) for a wide range of short-term research projects which can be used as the basis for future funding applications with national and international funding organisations.
There is a two-stage process for this current call: an EoI stage, followed by a full application stage for successful EoIs, who will be notified in early December, and invited to submit a full funding application. Full details are included on the PPF2 funding web page.
All proposals must include a main objective that promotes the economic development and welfare of a developing country or countries.
Priority research areas
PPF awards will focus on five priority areas:
• control strategies
• vector biology
• new diseases
• vector/virus interactions
• diagnostics/surveillance/forecasting.
The CONNECTED Management Board is particularly keen to encourage applications from:
• early career researchers
• researchers resident in an African country on the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list.
Changes for this second funding call
A small number of changes have been made to eligibility and processes for this PPF call. For example, new to this call is that principal investigators may be based in countries on the OECD DAC list, or the UK.
In this round of PPF, CONNECTED particularly welcomes applications concerning crops other than cassava and vectors other than whitefly, which were under-represented in the projects funded in the first call.
Applications are encouraged from collaborations that include investigators from DAC list countries in all regions of Africa, particularly West Africa, central African and southern Africa, which were under-represented in the projects funded in the first call.
Please note: potential applicants are strongly advised to read the application guidance notes in full before they apply.
‘Matchmaking’ service
For this call, we are also taking steps to help put network members directly in touch with each other if they are looking to team up with others to pursue an application. Full details are included on the PPF2 funding page of the CONNECTED website.
Full timescale
• Expression of Interest call opens: 22 October 2018
• Deadline for Expression of Interest applications: 18 November 2018
Following a brief EoI review process, selected proposals will be invited to submit full applications.
• Outcomes of EOI will be communicated to applicants by: 3 December 2018
• Call for invited full applications opens: 3 December 2018
• Deadline for invited full applications: 27 January 2019
How to apply
Researchers should submit an expression of interest using the application form on the PPF2 funding web page. Each expression of interest will be reviewed initially by the CONNECTED Management Board and Executive Group.
To receive alerts to funding calls & other network news: join the CONNECTED network free here.