End of year reflections, and a look ahead to 2019
The CONNECTED network team is determined 2019 will be a year in which the network and its members continue to to flourish, with a range of exciting opportunities to look forward to, some of which are shown below. And as we approach the end of the year, it is worth is reflecting on 2018, and the progress our network has made.
During 2018 CONNECTED has:
Organised two major Conferences, one in the UK (73 delegates from 14 countries), one in Uganda, in association with NARO / NaCRRI (56 delegates from 11 countries)
- Run training workshops for 22 early career researchers from nine different countries, in association with Scriptoria
- Made the first round of pump-prime funding awards, to nine projects working in seven different countries
- Awarded Training Voucher funding to ten applicants for courses, lab visits and work shadowing opportunities
- Created a range of resources for network members, including presentations, infographics and member-only videos
- Provided competitive application funding for two network members to attend a bioinformatics course in Uppsala, Sweden.
- Seen membership grow to some 600 network members
- Attracted hundreds of new Twitter followers (over 770 in total).
As CONNECTED looks to extend and expand the network and its activities, here are just a few of the opportunities and activities coming up in 2019:
V4: The CONNECTED Early Career Researcher Development Programme, to be held in the UK in June 2019. Full details including how to apply will be published in early January
- Two more Training Voucher funding calls: enabling network members to apply for up to £3,000 to fund courses, lab visits and work shadowing opportunities
- T19: all-year round funding for members to attend existing training courses that will benefit their professional development
- Funded places for ‘An introduction to vector and virus diagnostics’, a five-day course at the BecA-ILRI Hub in Kenya in March
- Awards to successful applications for the second round of pump-prime funding, and those projects starting work
- Reporting back by the nine projects funded in the first round of pump-prime funding.
If you’re not yet a member, this is a good time to make a New Year Resolution to become one. It’s free and simple to join here.